Cotecna announces the acquisition of ESTS

Cotecna is pleased to announce the acquisition of Extensive Standard Technical Services Co. Ltd. (ESTS), a renowned third-party certification body and second-party audit firm.

Cotecna announces the acquisition of ESTS

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The Future of Customs Risk Management: How Machine Learning is Shaping the Landscape

Delve into the transformative role of machine learning in shaping the future of customs risk management

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Customs risk management explained

We have gathered in this article the main aspects of risk management applied to Customs to help you better understand how it works.

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Cotecna’s Business Intelligence module launched in Gabon

Last week, Cotecna officially launched its business intelligence (BI) module during a ceremony at the General Customs Office in Libreville Gabon.

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Customs risk management best practices

Discover the top five best practices of customs risk management to ensure trade facilitation and improve operational efficiency.

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Addressing the challenges of risk management for Customs

Cotecna’s industry expert gives his detailed view on the challenges of risk management for Customs and how they can best respond and meet them.

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5 Must haves of a customs risk management system

Customs around the world have the challenging tasks to enhance trade facilitation by reducing unnecessary controls while protecting borders and states revenues by targeting high-risk consignments, all in compliance with international sta...

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Cotecna meets with Gabonese Customs to prepare the implementation of CRMS®

We are glad to announce the upcoming implementation in Gabon of CRMS® our automated risk management system.

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The four analytical approaches to customs risk management

Learn about different risk management approaches to better target high-risk cargo and prevent illicit trading partnerships.