Cotecna appointed for Indonesia Import Verification Programme

Cotecna, one of the world’s leading companies in the fields of inspection, security, testing and certification, has been officially appointed by Indonesia’s KSO SCISI, to handle the inspection of Tires to Indonesia.

Cotecna will carry out verification and pre-shipment inspection at the port of export for all Tires exported from China (except Shenzhen) that arrive in Indonesia and are covered under the below mentioned Decree.

As part of the country’s IVP, KSO Sucofindo-Surveyor Indonesia (KSO SCISI), based in Jakarta, Indonesia, was appointed by the Directorate General of International Trade of the Ministry of Trade of The Republic of Indonesia to manage the verification of the country’s Tire imports. KSO SCISI is a Joint Operation between two State owned companies, PT Sucofindo and PT Surveyor Indonesia, and acts as an independent surveyor for the verification of many other commodities within the country’s import verification program.

Under the Verification Order, established effective 1st January 2017, based on the Trade Minister’s Decree 77/M-DAG/PER/11/2016 of 9th November 2016, importation of all Tires to Indonesia must carry a Survey Report.

"Cotecna has been offering its IVP services to KSO SCISI since 2009 and continues to expand its involvement. Cotecna is committed to deliver professional services to assist exporters all over the world to ensure that their products are in conformity with Indonesia’s import regulation standards.” Robert Massey, CEO of Cotecna.